The Supper at Emmaus

The text for May 7, from Luke 24, is one of my favorites. It’s often called “Supper at Emmaus.” Two friends walk along, puzzled and downcast over the news of the day. A stranger shows up, and the men have no idea who they’re talking to — until they break bread together.

Fittingly, we will break bread together around the Lord’s Table. In fact, this will be the last time I celebrate communion with you! I told the Worship Committee that I’d like to serve you personally, so you will have the opportunity to come forward, if you choose to do so. You are also welcome to remain in your seat and be served by the elders.

After worship I’ll be teaching the third and final class in our “The Bible and #MeToo” series — the topic is Jesus healing the Bleeding Woman, from Mark 5. I hope you’ll stay to join the conversation. We’ve had about a dozen people at each of the first two classes, which were energetic discussions.

See you Sunday at 10:00!

- Pastor Ruth


VBS Is July 7-9!


The Nature of Transition