Earth Care Matters: Loudoun County Environmental Commission

Did You Know?

Loudoun County’s Environmental Commission held its first of hopefully many annual public forums on May 11, 2023.  Over a hundred members of the public joined to Commission at the Academies of Loudoun to learn about its priorities for the coming year.  They include implementing an energy strategy, tree protection, wildlife corridors, among others.  You can learn more about the Commission here: . Or you can inquire with William Marsh because he serves on the Commission.

Tell Us When You Go Green! 

Earth care matters! Record your sustainable choices and actions so we have an accurate record for our annual Earth Care Congregations application. 

Member Action Record (for individuals/families) 

Congregation Action Record (for committees) 

LPC is an Earth Care Congregation. As a faith community, we are dedicated to integrating environmental practices and thinking into our worship, education, facilities, and outreach. Find out more on our new website!  


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